- ehm... Besok ujian Sejarah #mathjadul nih. Mohon doa nya ya ^_^ #langitsenja.
2. mohon maaf juga, bakalan gengges di TL sahabat, karena ane mau ngafal #mathjadul di TL :)
3. Yuk mari kita mulai #mathjadul
4. nama-nama mathematician jaman beheula beserta contribusinya #mathjadul
5. Bidang Arithmatic : Leonardo de Pisa -> Rabbit Problem, Recorde -> Elementary Arithmtc, Stevin -> Decimal Fraction, #mathjadul
6. Napier-> Logarithm, Pascal-> Pascal Triangle, Fermat-> Fermat number, fermat theorm, the Pell equation, #mathjadul
7. Euler -> Power residues, quadratic residues, Fermat's Number for n=3,4, reciprocity theorm, Goldbach-> GOldbach theorem #mathjadul
8. legendre -> reciprocity theorem. Fiuh, selesai untuk satu topik, kita bakal lanjut ke #aljabar, #mathjadul #langitsenja. Lanjuut gaan.
9. ALJABAR- bakalan ada 12 point yang ane bakal hapalkan. yuuk mari: Al khawarizmi-> quadratic equation, Chuquet-> The triparty #mathjadul
10. Cardano-> Cubic equation, Ferrari-> biquadratic equation [ternyata #Ferrari ini seorang mathematician juga toh :D TMI] #mathjadul
11. Viete-> New Algebra, Girard-> fundamental theorem of Algebra, Des cartes-> new method and theory of equation,#mathjadul
12. Newton-> root of euiqlibrium, Euler-> fundamental theorm of algebra, Lagrange->general therem of equation &continued fraction #mathjadul
13. Gauss-> algebra, Leibniz-> mathematical logic . Sekian dulu, ane mesti ngelanjutin ngafal. Tunggu kelanjutannya gan. Fiuuh #mathjadul
@YogaDwiWindyKus hihi... itu kan nanti yoha di referencenya. dan on the end of the sentence kaish citation (Struik, ####) #mathjadul
14. Sdah dinner n sholat kan sob? mari lanjutkan hafalan #mathjadul di #anginmalam kali ini. Tadi sudah ttg buyut kita di Arithmatic&aljabar
15 sekarang kita bahas para sepuh pendahulu di Geometry. kadang ada yg sama kok dengan dua topic tadi. mereka memang hebat2 sih #mathjadul
16. GEOMETRY: oresme-> latitudes of forms, regiomontanus-> trigonometry, fermat-> coordinate geometry, #mathjadul
17. des cartes-> the principle of nonhomogenity, equation of curves, des argues-> involutions and perspective triangles #mathjadul
18. pascal->conics theorem, Newton-> cubic curves, agnesi-> versiera, cramer and euler-> cramer's paradox, #mathjadul
19. and the last in geometry that we learn today is Euler-> the bridges of konigsberg #mathjadul
20. kita lanjutkan ke ANALYSIS before Newton and Leibniz. #mathjadul tapi rehat lagi ngetwit nya yo. Ane siapin bahan dulo ^_^
21. Mari lanjut #mathjadul sekarang membahas Aalysis sebelum Newton and Leibniz :)
23. cavalieri-> integration and the principle of Cavalieri, Fermat-> integration, mxima and minima #mathjadul
24. toricelli-> volume of infinite solid, roberval-> cycloid, Wallis-> computation of Phi, #mathjadul
25. Barrow-> the fundamentsl theorem of the claculus, 25. pascal-> integrating of sines, partial integration #mathjadul
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