
Contoh Essai untuk Apply Beasiswa LPDP dan BPI (Bagian 2): Statement of purpose

 Lanjutan dari Psotingan sebelumnya,

lagi-lagi saya ingin sampaikan, Isi postingan ini murni saya ambilkan dari file word draft-draft yang ada di laptop yang saya pakai untuk apply LPDP di tahun 2017 dan BPI di tahun 2022. Urutan dan bahasanya mungkin menyesuaikan dengan waktu saat tulisan ini dibuat.

Gaya bahasa, pilihan kata dan grammar nya mohon dimaklumi saja. Inti yang ingin saya bagikan adalah tentang konten apa yang saya isikan saat itu ke web aplikasi beasiswanya.



(mirip-mirip isinya kayaknya dengan yang sebelumnya, entahlah, yang jelas di file saya ada yang judulnya seperti ini, saya copy kan utuh kesini ya.)

Statement of Purpose: My Contribution to Indonesia

My name is Ronal Rifandi, I am a lecturer in STKIP Adzkia, Padang. I took my bachelor degree of education in Universitas Negeri Padang and then continued it with an International Master Program on Mathematics Education. This program was a collaboration between Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Indonesia) and Utrecht University ( The Netherlands).

My contribution: in the past, the present and my plan in the future.

In this essay I will explain about “my contribution”. In my point of view, contribution is the hearth of my success. When I said “success” it is not only about myself, but also about the positive effects I can give to the community. In the following I will point out some activities that I have already done, the things I currently work in and the vision of my contribution in the future. Then, I will describe about my dream of Indonesia in the future along with my role in reaching that dream.

To begin with, I started to realize that ones really cannot live without others when I was in junior high school. It was the time when I started to define myself. I came up with a conclusion that being clever in the classroom only is not enough to face the world. Therefore, I joined with several students’ organizations. When I was in my undergraduate university I ever be the chairman of a student association. Together with my team, we conducted several programs that gave effect not only for the students in my department but also to the people outside the institution. For example, when there was a big earthquake happened in Padang (2009) our association also took part in the trauma healing process. Another example of I and my association contribution to the community was that we conducted a voluntary teaching for children in an orphan house.

Furthermore, currently, as a lecturer in STKIP Adzkia, my contribution mainly on the part of education and research. I also appointed as a chairman of a new study program in STKIP Adzkia, Mathematics Education. As part of my job, I have been contributed in establishing the operational procedure of this study program and managing the development of the program.

In term of research, I ever give a tutorial to my colleague on how to use some useful websites on the internet to support them in research. For example how to get a google scholar and SINTA account, also on how to sign in and optimize the use of researchgate site. Further, in my institution, I am also the person in charge to supervise the students’ organization board. Through this position I am supporting the college students to be active and to be creative in conducting their programs.

Moreover, in the society, I contribute as the coordinator of Human Resources Development department in “Jaringan Pemuda dan Remaja Masjid Indonesia (JPRMI) Padang”. This is an organization that concern to connect the youth generation from mosques, support their character building and synergize their potential energy. I believe that by doing this I could take part in giving effort to the development of human resources in our country. It will maximize the role of mosque as one of the elements that could be used to defend our NKRI. Since, nowadays we afraid that our next generation takes a wrong ways of expressing their faith. Because they do not get the appropriate education about it.

The last but not the least, I will talk about my vision of the contribution that I could give in the future. When I can finish and get a PhD degree from overseas, I hope that I can improve my ability in conducting the Tri Dharma of a higher education institution. In terms of teaching, I will share and adapt the good academic atmosphere I got and enrich it with the initial value that we already have. In terms of research and community service, I plan to make connections between the researchers in my institution and the researchers from other countries (may be my PhD supervisors and my PhD fellows). In a more specific way, since my research will be about designing learning instructions in teaching mathematics, I plan to initiate a kind of a center for the development of mathematics learning materials in my institution. The center where I can work together with experts and college students to produce study or research in order to help teachers to improve the quality of their teaching.

My dream for Indonesia

I dreamed of Indonesia as a country with a high development in technology and can be a leader in the region. I dreamed of a country where globalization can live side by side with traditional culture, value and local wisdom. And the most important point is about being a better place to live in for me, us and our next generation.

Relating to the dream I mentioned above, I will dedicate myself to support the development mainly in educational field and in the character building of the people. This is fit with my role as a lecturer. In order to reach the dream, at least i can contribute by doing the three following actions. First, I will integrate the teaching and learning in my classroom with the use of technology and internet based. I also will try to design learning materials involving technology to support my students in reaching the larning goals. Second, I will also concern on using local value and culture as the integrated part of the learning process. And third, I will continue to take part on community development activities in order to support young generation in preparing their future life.

Based on the explanation above, contribution should be an important part of our “success”. Hopefuly, the contribution I did in my life will stay longer than my age. Then, I will keep in my mind that the success I get will remain nothing if it is not contribute anything to the community and our nation, Indonesia.

(Saat buka kembali dan baca file in says jadi ketawa sendiri melihat bahasa Inggrisnya, dilaptoppun banyak muncul garis merah hijau dan biru (Kok saat itu ga bisa kedetek ya, atau karena belum mahir, jadi ga aktif trackernya di word)